Monthly Archives: September 2013

Spring Time in Argentina

The beginning of spring time finally started, even though it is still pretty chilly outside I am looking forward for the weather to get warmer. Spring day was the 20th of September and so was student day. Here in Rosario many of the students and people go to the river for a nice day of many activities. There are many bands performing, games you can play, people dancing tango, go hang out with friends or you can go and have a drink of mate, which is a tea that almost every Rosario person drinks here. The weather unfortunately wasn’t very good, it was cloudy and really cold, but that didn’t stop the people from going to the river to celebrate spring and student day. This week went by pretty fast for me, there was a lot of things going on. We had our tango party and learned the basic steps. It seemed difficult to do when the instructor was showing us, but when I tried it it wasn’t too bad. 

This weekend was fun, I celebrated two of my friends birthdays from the program. In the morning we went to the Florida, which is a beach then we went out to dinner with friends from Rosario that we met and students from the program. After dinner we went to a club, hung out and danced. Over all it was a good third week here in Argentina! 






New Country, new beginning…

My second week in Argentina was great! I was super nervous at the beginning, wondering if I would get along with my host mom and if  I would adapt to Rosario quickly. I was very surprised how fast I adapted to Rosario. It reminds me of Guadalajara, which is where my mom is from in Mexico. The centro and some of the buildings are what mainly remind me of Guadalajara. Waiting to meet my host mom was nerve wrecking, I kept on getting weird thoughts in my head, thinking what if we don’t get along? Luckily, my host mom and I got along great right from the start. She made me feel really welcomed and at home. 

The first weekend here we went to a Saturday market which is along the river. A group of girls from the program and I walked along the river. What captured my attention was that the market was full of people everywhere! Every weekend people gather there along the river and buy stuff from the market or go eat. Sunday I went to mass in a beautiful church next to the state flag monument.






IMG_2856The scene that greeted me upon my arrival was a lot of people everywhere talking in Spanish, but it was different because they talk with “vos” and I’m not used to that. I was excited to get to Argentina but frightened at the same time. Luckily, everything turned out great. People weren’t very friendly, they would stare at me, but I think they were like that because they knew I was a foreigner so they were just observing me. Whenever people would greet each other they would kiss on the cheek both men and women. What amused me on the taxi ride was the way people drive, they don’t follow road regulations. I hope to keep on enjoying this journey these are some of my pictures upon my arrival.